Academic Requirements
First Year, Fall Semester:
- BSCV181 CIVICUS Student and the University (1 credit)
Designed to help students utilize CIVICUS to enhance the college experience and work with civic engagement.
Fall 2022 Syllabus | Instructor: Korey Rothman - BSCV191 Introduction to CIVICUS (3 credits)
An introduction to the social and historical foundations of a civil society, including an examination of the roles of individuals, groups, social institutions and community services.
Fall 2022 Syllabus | Instructor: Julie Randolph - ENGL101C Academic Writing* (3 credits)
An introductory course in expository writing.
*Optional section offered in Somerset Hall for CIVICUS students. Not required to receive CIVICUS citation.
First Year, Spring Semester:
- BSCV182 CIVICUS and Service-Learning (1 credit)
An examination of domestic social issues and their national, regional, and local dimensions from political, economic, and policy perspectives. Students will work with local non-profit organizations.
Spring 2023 Syllabus | Instructor: Julie Randolph - Students must choose one of the five Affiliate Courses below. This course does not need to be taken during a specific semester, but it must be completed by the end of a student's second year in CIVICUS.
- SOCY105 Introduction to Contemporary Social Problems (3 credits): GenEd: History & Social Sciences (DSHS)
- COMM382 Essentials of Intercultural Communication (3 credits): GenEd: Diversity: Cultural Competence (DVCC)
- PLCY201 Public Leaders and Active Citizens (3 credits): GenEd: History & Social Sciences (DSHS) OR Scholarship & Practice and I-Series(DSSP, SCIS)
- PSYC354 Multicultural Psychology in the U.S. (3 credits): GenEd: History & Social Sciences (DSHS)
- PLCY 288G Careers in Impact (3 credits)
Second Year, Fall Semester:
- BSCV328 (CIVICUS Suffix) (cross listed as CHSE 328C) Common Ground Deliberative Dialogues; Hot Button Topics in Society (1 credit) (General Education: Diversity-Cultural Competence)
- EDCP108I College and Career Advancement: Concepts and Skills; Academic Transitions to Internships+ (1 credits)
Students participating in this course gain the tools to effectively search for and apply to internships.
Fall 2022 Syllabus | Instructor: Julie Randolph
*Optional section offered online for CIVICUS students. Not required to receive CIVICUS citation.
Second Year, Spring Semester:
- BSCV302 CIVICUS Capstone (3 credits) (General Education: Scholarship in Practice)
Capstone course required for CIVICUS citation that includes supervised internship, community service, or research project related to civic engagement. Application and continued study of skills and concepts relevant to understanding and effectively dealing with contemporary social issues.
Spring 2023 Syllabus | Instructor: Korey Rothman
Last modified
11/09/2023 - 10:28 am