Korey Rothman with Testudo Mascot

Dr. Korey Rothman - Director

Dr. Korey Rothman (she/her/hers) holds a bachelor's degree in English and a master's degree in Education from the University of Florida. She has a master’s degree in Theatre History and a doctoral degree in Theatre History and Performance Studies from the University of Maryland. Prior to becoming Director of CIVICUS, she taught courses in the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies, the Honors College, and Honors Humanities at the University of Maryland. She currently serves as the Academic Director of the South Carolina Washington Semester Program. Her interests include LGBTQ+ advocacy, travel, theatre, and playing bassoon and percussion with DC's Different Drummers.



Office: Somerset 0107

Email: krothman@umd.edu



Last modified
07/26/2022 - 10:55 pm